The Jail’s history is brought to life with the dramatic stories and immersive sounds from real characters of the Jail’s past. Hear from the Governor, Matron, Warder and Prisoners, including children, about life in a 19th century prison.
As an additional choice to the free handsets, we have made our audio guide available to download to your smartphone using a QR code where you can meet the real characters from the Jail’s past including the Governor, Matron, Warder, and even the prisoners.
The guides are available in six languages – English, German, French, Dutch, Italian and Spanish.
Die Geschichte des Gefängnisses erwacht mit unseren interaktiven Audioführern zum Leben– KOSTENLOS und in 6 Sprachen. Schaurige Geräusche und schreckliche, wahre Geschichten aus der Vergangenheit machen Ihren Besuch zum Erlebnis
L’histoire de la prison prend vie à travers nos guides interactifs GRATUITS, disponibles en 6 langues. Enrichissez votre visite en vous entourant des sons évocateurs du passé tout en écoutant des récits authentiques, poignants.
De geschiedenis van de Gevangenis komt tot leven dankzij onze GRATIS interactieve gids in 6 talen. Maak uw bezoek nóg interresanter door te luisteren naar suggestieve geluiden en schrijnende, levensechte verhalen uit het verleden.
Revive la historia de la cárcel con nuestras guías interactivas y GRATUITAS que encontrarás disponibles en 6 idiomas. Disfruta de la visita y escucha los sugerentes sonidos así como las desgarradoras historias reales del pasado.
La prigione prende vita grazie alle nostre guide interattive GRATUITE in 6 lingue. Rendete la vostra visita indimenticabile ascoltando i suoni suggestivi e le strazianti storie del passato.